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Regulations of Renting Sporting Areas Online

 P.E. classes have the priority of using each sporting grounds
1. If there is only one class using the swimming pool, swimming pool is still open to public. However, please avoid the area where there is a class and please do not loud noise.
2. If there are two or more classes (swimming class for freshmen and diving class included), swimming pool will be closed to public temporarily in order to maintain the quality of P.E. classes.
˙ Reminders of lease of sporting areas
1. For short term lease, applications should be handed in a week before.
   - About the procedure and the fee of sporting space lease, please refer to 「Rules and Conditions for the Use of National Sun Yat-sen University Sports Centre 」
   - To rent sports grounds, please go to 「Venue Rental System」for online applying process. After the required papers and sheets are printed, please hand in to Physical Education and Health Division and wait for further checking.
2. Plaza on campus cannot be rented at night. Also, electricity is not provided at outdoor areas and connection to electrical outlet without authorized is forbidden.
3. Each and every sporting areas shall be cleared out 15 minutes before its closing time.
4. With immediate effect, fees for the usage and maintenances of every sports ground should be paid off before each activities.